Monday, January 23

Army Speak

One of the hardest things about training up and being in constant Army surroundings is the lack of things to talk about when you call home. Most people, unless they are prior service, have no idea what the heck you are talking about. If I call home to complain about standing around at the ECP for 6 hours, doing EPW search, filling out my CPA forms, and then transferring a detainee to the BIF, you're not going to have a clue what I'm talking about. Be understanding when your soldier calls home. It’s just as frustrating for us to not have anything to talk about as it is for you.

Be understanding of how hard your soldier might have it. Now don't get me wrong, there are some soldiers who don't do a whole lot, and aren't deprived of much of anything. I don't hold that against them, it’s just their MOS and their situation within the working machine. There are some of us though who have to deal with only a couple hours sleep at a time, irregular meals (if you even get a complete meal), being constantly on the go, wearing body armor at all times, mounting heavy weapons systems, doing constant pre-combat checks and inspections, working all hours of the day and night, and always running on an empty tank but being forced to drive on anyway. Now try doing it for days or weeks on end, and you'll start to see into the mental and physical state of your typical infantryman. Sometimes it’s tough to keep your spirits up through all this, especially when it drags on and on.

So next time you're talking to your grunt, whether it be your husband, father, brother, or boyfriend, be understanding when they don't give a rats ass how hard your day was at the local retail store, college, or whatever it is you do. While you're in bed, sitting on the couch watching TV, or sleeping in your nice warm bed, they’re out training hard so they can properly do their job without getting killed or wounded. So please, try and be understanding. We don't mean to be blunt and straight-forward, it's just how we have to be to get things accomplished.


At Monday, 23 January, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your a Infantry in the United States of America. A complete volunter army. Where it is your choice to join the armed forces of not. You dont have to join. What did you think the army was going to be? A regular work day from 5am to 4pm? Especially as a Infantry Man. We all even know from the movies the come out the history books that we read in school that the job of a infantry man isnt a walk in the park.
I know man military people that have been torn away from their normal MOS to do other duties that has nothing to do with their normal job. Most dont like it. But they do suck it up and drive on. People are doing work in Iraq that is completley new to them and are surving. They have their differences to, but dont forget that you signed the papers.
Your the one that decided that this would be a good idea for you. To join the army and serve your counrty. People change, hearts and ideas change, but signing those papers will never change. You just need to make light of what u can.
Dont forget what you joined for.

At Wednesday, 25 January, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's hard to keep your spirits up through all of this. It's not hard sitting on this side and missing you. Everyday I have constant reminders of you and everyday I worry about you. You're my first thought upon waking, my last before sleeping and you occupy every thought in between... this is going to be a rough year with ups and downs.. but lets try to keep this on the up. I love you.


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