Thursday, June 8

Cheaper By the Dozen 2

Ok so I've been behind on posting here. What are you going to do about it? Send me to Iraq?

We got Al Zarqawi! It's proof that you can run, but you can't hide... (save the Bin Laden comments please, I'm in Iraq not Afghanistan)

The movie Cheaper by the Dozen 2 is out on DVD. You shouldn't have any problems finding it on DVD (should you chose to buy it), they even have a zillion copies of it at the PX on post. For those of you that don't know, I doubled Eugene Levey for the log rolling scene in the movie. It was one of the last things I did before I deployed to Iraq. If you would like to watch the scene, Yahoo has it here. The far away shots of the legs on the log (the actual "log rolling" parts of the clip) is me. And those handsome hairy legs on the log with Steve Martin when he falls on his crotch on the log? Those would be mine. They were orginally going to have him just fall in the water, but my friend Darren Hudson and I pitched the idea to the director, and he loved it. I must say I had a fun time doing it, even if it was pretty stressful and tiring. I got to meet a lot of cool people, work with some actual famous people (unlike myself, whose fanbase could fit in the room I'm sitting in), and generally had a cool experience. Oh, and if you do buy the video, turn the directors commentary on and watch the log rolling scene. He mentions a little blurb about me going to Iraq. All in all pretty cool.

Sorry to all that have been worrying, lately I've been too busy lazy to post.


At Tuesday, 13 June, 2006, Blogger Shana Verstegen said...

I'll bet a bit of log rolling would feel sooo good right now!


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