Wednesday, May 31

Bump in the Night

Somewhere in my room is a little lizard. Not sure where he went, or what he's doing, but my roommate saw him in there earlier. They are pretty much harmless, running up the walls and around lights at night eating bugs. But still, if I wake up with one on my face I might be a little upset.

Monday, May 29

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day. Its a 112 degrees in the shade here today.

Monday, May 22

Quote of the Day

I found an interesting quote online today.

"When a lack of leadership exists, it's ok to follow yourself"

Tuesday, May 16


Mexican border deployment? Hell yeah I'd go!

  1. Sure, you're still in the desert and its hotter than hell, but you're not half-way around the world like I am now.
  2. You're in the United States. Cell phones, TV, Radio, all that fun stuff. Sure, they have it here (sort of) but its just not the same.
  3. beer, Wal-Mart, Target, cervezas, you get the idea. None of those in Iraq (yet)
  4. Tacos. Tacos. Tacos. I don't know why, but I've been craving Tacos for the last month. Since our food comes in boxes labeled by number and made to serve 50+, I'm pretty sure I won't be getting them any time soon.

The only down side to the deployment is they are only going to be filling training and admin slots, not going out on patrols and doing fun infantry stuff. Then again, if they did I'm sure the ROE (rules of engagement) would be so outlandish you would have to take 3 shots to your IBA (Interceptor Body Armor) and 1 to the leg and then get authorization from President Bush himself before you could shoot back.

In other news, I've found a dependable way to tell when its time to do laundry. If my blouse and pants stand up on their own, its time to do a load. Now before you brand me the “stinky Soldier”, remember I live in a desert where it's easier to drill into the ground and hit oil than hit water. On top of that we were told we are only allotted a gallon of water a day. I have yet to figure out how to take a shower, brush my teeth, shave, flush the toilet, and wash my hands on only a gallon a day. If anyone figures out how to do this, let me know.

I've been asked, how are you happy living out in the middle of nowhere in a desert? You learn how to make it work, and how to be happy. PT is a must. You have to work out to stay healthy. Keep yourself busy. Have someone mail the book you've always planned on reading but never did. Listen to music. Play Xbox. Watch a movie. Play more Xbox. You get the idea. We do encounter dangers here (dangers I will not mention). Learn to keep yourself busy, concentrate on what needs to be done, and work toward getting home safely, one day at a time.

Thursday, May 11

Cooling Trend

It's cold here now. The temp was only 98 today after coming down from 109 the day before. Someone send me a winter jacket.

Monday, May 8

Saber Toothed Crotch Critters

The itchy, red, irrated bumps all over my body are proof things live in the desert (we've heard of "desert fleas" but we have no way to confirm it, so hold off on the flea collars). So apparently there are things living here besides the thousands of flies and mosquitos, Dub Dubs, and homeless Bedouins who roam the desert with their herds of sheep, camels and goats.

Sunday, May 7

Iraqi Pics

I didn't take any of these pictures, and they're a few months old. But they are in the same general area we operate in, so you get an idea of what I see every day.

I especially like the "BARREL UP SLOW DOWN RESPECT IRAQIS AND OTHER ROAD USERS" signs. Most of them have been shot a few times.

Click here for more Iraq photos

Friday, May 5

Iraqi Sunrise

SAW M249 Training

I'm thinking the Army might have the angle it needs in catching Zarqawi. Since he doesn't know a damn thing about operating a M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon, a weapon I carred for a little over a year) here's what you do. Put up signs all over the Anbar Province and Baghdad (or wherever the heck they think he is) offering free lessons on how to use your SAW (remember to tell them its a BYOS Party). As a little incentive, give them a bonus; offer free ammo and cleaning kits to the first 200 "students" that show up. Now that the trap is set, all you do is wait to do the grab. See, now wasn't that easy?

Wednesday, May 3

All I can say is wow. We received some care packages yesterday via First let me tell you we are in the middle of nowhere in Iraq, many miles from the nearest post office or major base. We have Internet, but no phones. Seeing a recent newspaper is simply out of the question. We can send mail, but only about once a week. We got mail yesterday for the first time in over a week. I just received a package I mailed to myself from the states a month and a half ago. Mixed in amongst the mail were packages and letters from people via Although we all have our reasons for being here, sometimes we need reminding and a little pat on the back for what we are doing.

Getting a heart-warming letter, a couple recent magazines, or some crossword puzzle books is all it takes to let us know you care. People were kind enough to send magazines, books, snacks food (mmmm… Oreos), small things that perk up any soldiers day. You can do the same thing. Just head to and sign up. The post office has a small box you can pack as much as you want into for like 8 dollars. Cram it full of food, books, magazines, games, whatever (follow guidlines though) and send it off. It’s a great cause, and will let soldiers like me know people still care.

Monday, May 1

Desert Life

I'm a little late on this one. Mother Nature decided to celebrate Earth Day by sending us a sand storm. Remind me to write her a thank you note.

Temperatures are getting up there now, with the highs being in the 100s this entire week. (Don't you dare say "well it's a dry heat". 100 degrees is really f-ing hot regardless of the humidity).